Monday, October 27, 2008


This is a hydrangea. I must say I've only grown purple and blue flowers. I love this fuschia color.

Keywords: Hydrangea, cut flowers, beautiful flowers


Pompom dahlia "Natal". Beautiful purple center and fuschia outer leaves. Lovly.

Keywords: dahlia tubers, fall flowers, Natal, pompom dahlia, cut flowers

Golden Dahlia

Isn't this pretty and light coming through is terrific. I was out photographing trees today. Nice yellow and orange and pink leaves.

Keywords: Fall, flowers, dalias, tubers, TLPhotography66

Friday, October 24, 2008

Charlotte English Rose

Stunning English Rose photographed in an English garden.

Keywords: Pink rose, English rose, english garden

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sweet Peas

I know the sweet peas are long gone, at least here in the PNW, but this shot is lovely and old fashioned and the colors muted.

Keywords: sweetpeas, cut flowers, vintage flower shots

Pink, pink

The shade of this flower reminds me of an old auntie. It is a vintage color and feels sweet. Plant many pink flowers in your garden. I had a color theme of pink and yellow.

Keywords: Pink flowers, color theme garden, old auntie, vintage colors, cut flowers

Reaching Petals

I love how this flower is shot, sort of reaching for the light. White flowers light up at dusk, try them next to your porch or out the front window.

Keywords: Dahlia, Heaven, Closeup photography, Back yard flowers, cut flowers.

Pink-tipped Yellow Dahlia

This flower is a lovely sweet mix of pink and yellow. I'm drawn to the light on it the the curls of petals at the center.

Keywords: Flower, dahlia, sweet pink, cut flowers, fall flowers

Friday, October 17, 2008

China Rose

This looks like a hibiscus to me. Hibiscus grow in this climate, but need to come in during the winter. Keep them potted.

Keywords: Hibiscus, potted plants, cut flowers, closeup flower photos


This is one of the last flowers to bloom in the fall. It is a good herb to use medicinally.

Keywords: calendula, late blooming annuals, fall flowers

Flower Closeup

Not sure of this flower, could be in lavitera family.

Keywords: Flowers, cut flowers, closeup flower photography

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pink Dahlias

Growing dahlias easy, only you have to be willing to take up the bulbs in the fall and dry them and store them. Bulbs and tubers are something that can be split and new plants made. I've never had the patience for it all, but many have beautiful gardens. See Growing Dahlias

Monday, October 13, 2008


Pom dahlia, nice tight petals, white in the afternoon sun, shadows are low. Flower growing in the Fairhaven community gardens.


This dahlia is similar to the yellow hammer dahlia. I like how old fashioned this flower looks. Beautiful afternoon light.

Dahlia, 10th & Wilson Community Garden

This flower is growing in the gardens over at 10th and Wilson. I shot this photo later afternoon--when the light is best. Early morning is good too.

Keywords: Dahlia, bulbs, tubers, photography

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Morning Heather

This photo shows well the tiny flowers that fill out the low growing shrubs, heather.

Keywords: heather, shrubs, flowers, BC


Bumble bee in the heather. Here in the PNW, heather grows like crazy. It's a beautiful low growing shrub that is good for edging gardens. I loved it growing in my garden in Kingston. It blooms in the fall and spring.

A Rose

A pink rose from the church garden.

Keywords: pink rose, church rose, rose of sharon

Pink Rose

This is a luscious rose with the water drops, sumptious and venusian.

Keywords: Moonstruck, pink rose, bridal bouquet, wedding

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mature Red Rose

This rose is more open, thus mature, and the sepals in the center are full of pollen. Very pretty, you can imagine the scent.

Keywords: Flowers, cut flowers, roses, fall rose, red rose

Golden Cymbidium

Delicate yellow with specals, this closeup of the heart of an orchid was taken in the conservatory at the Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne.

Keywords: Fitzroy Gardens,Cymbidium orchid, closeup flowers

Andy Goldworthy

These poppies placed in the rocks are inspired by compostitions of Andy Goldworthy. Have you seen his beautiful creations, petals in a stream, flowers in pools on rocks. Look him up, it's amazing.

Keywords: Andy Goldworthy, flowers, poppies, cut flowers

Fall Flowers

Put cut flowers in vases around your house and in the fall when things are beginning to go a bit of spring will linger in your home.

Keywords: cut flowers, daisies, mums, zinnias