Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily
Originally uploaded by ilovepics11
Across the meadows of Sauk Mountain in July, this plant is prevalant. Very fragrant, I could smell it just standing there on the switchback. Lovely.

Indian Paintbrush

Castilleja indivisa--Texas Paintbrush. Wow, I've never seen a red and white plant before. They are prolific in the mountains and always reminded me of a plant dipped in red paint.

Indian Paintbrush

Indian Paintbrush
Originally uploaded by Stones 55
Indian Paintbrush is also called Prairie-fire. It was named by the Spanish botanist Domingo Castillejo.

Indian Paintbrush

Wild flowers cover the meadows in the mountains of the PNW. It was a heavy snow last winter and long to melt. The flowers are lush.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Originally uploaded by Peggy Collins
Lovely shot. The orange glow in the center makes this flower brilliant. I love it.

White Dahlia

White Dahlia Closeup
Originally uploaded by Enoch Ross
Isn't this wonderful. I love the little rolled petals. Very lovely.


Originally uploaded by keycraft
My sister is a wedding florist and right now she's doing an entire wedding with Zinnias.

Delicate Hollyhock

Delicate Hollyhock
Originally uploaded by dreamscaper
This is a wonderful closeup. When I was a young woman and had a new 33mm camera and closeup lenses, all I took pictures of was flowers. Now, with the digital camera, it's flowers and folks, and a lot of pictures of my grandbaby.


in the fireweed
Originally uploaded by violet crayon
Blooms this time of year, usually in places that have burned, thus its name. But it grows in many other places too, and the shoots are good to eat. Some say they taste like asparagus.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flower Study

Flower study
Originally uploaded by Villi.Ingi
Looks like tulip or a lily. Lovely color.

Pink Flowers

Pink flower closeup
Originally uploaded by tonayo
I'm not sure what this flower is called, but the photographer took the pickrue in Egypt.

Cassia Fistula

Originally uploaded by Me the wanderer
Lovely yellow flower, a native of India. Grows in bunches, like grapes.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Frangipani Bloom

Originally uploaded by Farl
This is stunning, a pink and yellow tropical Balanese flower.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chinese New Year flowers

I've never heard of this flower. Looks like a gladiola

Wild Rose

In The Pink
Originally uploaded by dreamscaper
Beautiful wild rose, single petals, white edging around center.

Variegated Hollyhock

Variegated Hollyhock
Originally uploaded by dreamscaper
Wow, this is fabulous. The first time I saw a hollyhock I thought it was a weed and pulled it out of the ground. Huh, just new, I guess.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wild Flowers Around Joseph, Oregon

Amazing Wildflower

I shot this photo on the ground surround a look out tower outside of Joseph, Oregon. I've never seen anythng like this--sort of poppy-like. Lovely.

Purple Wild Flower

Originally uploaded by BK HAN
Isn't this sweet. And the leaf below is is spade shaped. Interesting.

Beautiful Flower

Originally uploaded by fabiogis50
Look how showy the stamens and pestal of this flower are. Wonderful closeup.

Pink Wild Flowers

Pink Wild Flowers
Originally uploaded by Swami Stream
Wild flowers growing along the edge of Ulsoor Lake.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Orchid Triplets

Orchid Triplets
Originally uploaded by 1bluecanoe
Orchid with orange and yellow pattern.

Butterfly Orchid

Butterfly Orchid
Originally uploaded by Daniel Schwabe
Wow, beautiful speckled orchid and vibrant color.

Striated Orchid

Striated Orchid
Originally uploaded by Daniel Schwabe
Beautiful straitions and color that is vibrant. Lady's Slipper.


I love how orchids have a physical quality to them that seems human--this one has a face.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Coral Bells

squared coral bells
Originally uploaded by Steve took it
One of my favorite flowers. They're so oldfashioned. I used to grow them as an edging along the front garden beds on either side of the steps. They also make great pressed flowers for flower pictures.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Orange Cosmos

Orange Cosmos
Originally uploaded by love_child_kyoto
Yellow Cosmos. This looks like it's taken at night, but it's evening. Low sun lights up everything in unusual ways.


daisy summer pipers
Originally uploaded by jude
This must be an African Daisy. They come in many colors and can bloom for a long time.

Double cantaberry

Double cantaberry
Originally uploaded by artzy38
One of the gardeners in my community plot has a table outside of her fenced yard with amoney box and bouquets of flower. $3-5 suggested donation for a boquet of Cantaberry bells, peonies, blades of grass, and roses. Very quaint.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Peace Rose

Peace Rose
Originally uploaded by Patricia Whitaker
I love this rose because of its shades of yellow and orange. I think Peace Roses would be lovely in a bridal bouquet. See

Orange Rose

Orange rose
Originally uploaded by Mean and Pinchy
An orange rose with great petal definition. I'm thinking of orange sherbert right now.

Purple Rose

purple rose
Originally uploaded by peggy.
Sterling Silver. When I saw this rose I smelled grapes. Funny how the senses are linked.

Mia Rose

Mia Rose
Originally uploaded by Mr Geoff
This is a nice shot of the rose, using a compostiong that is weighted on the right with a curl of green on the left, pulling the eye back in.

White Rose

What a Rose Can Say
Originally uploaded by Tirau Dan
The light in this photo is lovely. White rose with lighted center.

Pink Rose

A Rose is just a Rose.
Originally uploaded by min51
A pink rose fround in a church garden. I have a pinkish-purple rose that is an old-fashioned rose. The fragrance is divine.

New Dawn Rose

This closeup of a climbing rose almost doesn't look real. Very sensuous.